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"There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise. "


- Bosa Sebele


Becoming SHE




"SHE got this, no buts about it" 

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"Hard work never killed anyone.”


“A woman’s work is never done."


"Thanks but,

  no thanks!"

Dear Hardworking woman, 


I am honored to have known you. You have taught me so much about myself and what I am capable of. I have come to a place in my life where I will no longer make excuses for my self-neglect. While this decision has not been easy, I've

realized that I no longer have the space to be burned-out, broken, powerless, or broke. It's time for my breakthrough. 


All my love,



  T.E.A Time!

"Tea is good for the soul"

It is essential to create a space in your life for T.E.A (Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions) time. Taking a moment to assess our Thoughts, Emotions and Actions will help to enlighten our journey of Becoming S.H.E. The goal is that every Hardworking selfless woman struggling with self-doubt, fear, and hopelessness will have the awareness that SHE is unique, priceless, and irreplaceable!


I am best when my Thoughts and Emotions lead to an Action that makes me proud of who I am! 






There is only one you!

The Self-Empowerment Coach. I use coaching to help the hardworking selfless woman who is everything to everyone and is making excuses for neglecting herself. 

I provide support as she learns how to focus on doing what only she can do for herself.  She will have her breakthrough, regain confidence, find her passion & purpose and have the freedom & resources to create the life journey she deserves! 



You are Good-Enough, Smart-Enough, Beautiful-Enough, Strong-Enough, and you are Deserving of everything good! Enjoy your breakthroughs on the journey of becoming S.H.E.

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